An easy quick soup but very good if it is a bit cold outside in winter and you come home for this nice soup.
For a thick soup use the hand mixer before serving: for example as a soup in your Christmas dinner.
Green cabbage tastes a little bit the same as brussels sprouts but is a lot less work.
I wish you all a happy Christmas and new year in which you can do all or most things that you dream of.
For a pan of soup (4-6 persons):
– 2 parsnips
– 1/2 green cabbage
– 250 gram mushrooms
– 3 small potatoes (or 1 big, 2 normal)
– 3 small onions (or 1 big, 2 normal)
– 3 cloves of garlic
– 1 tablespoon dried parsley
– 1 tablespoon dried thyme
– 1 tablespoon dried rosemary
– olive oil
Shred the onion and the garlic. Peel the parsnips and the potatoes. Cut the parsnips and the potatoes into cubes. Shred the green cabbage. Cut the mushrooms into slices.
Sauté the onion in olive oil in a cooking pan. After a few minutes add the garlic and sauté with the onion for a few minutes. Then add the potatoes and parsnips and warm for a few minutes.
Now add water and the green cabbage. Also add the herbs. Put everything under water and bring the soup to a boil. Cook the soup around 15 minutes until all is soft to serve.
In between fry the mushrooms in some olive oil. Serve the soup with the mushrooms.