A good fresh start of the morning for me after a Pilates workout before breakfast. It can also be nice at other moments like with lunch or as a refresher during the day.
Extra supplies needed: a blender
For 3 small glasses:
– 175g carrot or winter carrot. I peeled the carrot because the peel of my carrot was quite sturdy. You don’t have to peel it and just wash it but it affects the structure of the juice.
– 450cl of refrigerated water so that it’s nice cold. You can fill a bottle and put it into the fridge the evening before. In the warmer months I like to keep a bottle of water in the fridge.
Cut the carrot into parts. First add the water and then add the carrot to the blender. Blend until smooth. You can strain the pulp if you want but I like the pulp.